The Grass is Greener

The Grass is Greener

I have often heard it said that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. So, I posed this question to the Littles........And Red said, "Definitely, the grass IS greener on the other side!"
Every day at some point I catch my little men with their heads poked between the bottom two fence boards....happily munching away at whatever is growing on the other side of the fence.
In all honesty, though, our front pasture is beginning to look a bit sad and wintry. At this rate, I will soon need to through flakes of hay into the pasture to keep everyone busy during the day, and to salvage what plants are left in that pasture. Even with the lack of nutrition in that pasture, Red and Ollie still manage to wear round bellies!

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- Never Enough Fences!
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- Hysteria
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- Getting Along Famously!
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