The Great Carrion Mystery

The Great Carrion Mystery

You might remember that during the first week of hunting season
we found a dead fawn in the woods.
I assumed it had been shot.
Upon inspection, Becky felt it had died of natural causes.
(which is sad, but makes me feel so much better about humanity!)

Over the course of the next week or so, the carcass disappeared.
Then, later, we found it at another spot in our woods...partially eaten.
I know this sounds gross, but it is nature's way of taking care of carcasses...
they become food for other hungry animals.
There is a sort of wild beauty in this.

Curious about what had carted off the remains, we located one of our game cameras within
sight of what was left of the fawn.
You can see the head and shoulders at the bottom of this picture. (right above the number 12)

We had imagined that perhaps a coyote or a coy-wolf had drug it away.

When we went back out to retrieve the memory card from the camera, the fawn was gone...

Watch, as the mystery is solved...
(you can switch this video to full screen size by hitting the "four corners" button in the bottom right corner of the video...
you will want to watch it in full screen size to see the mystery unfold!

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