The Great September Deluge

The Great September Deluge

It's raining.
Actually, it's pouring.
I'm thinking of building an ark.

Sunday night around 5 pm it started to rain...
pour, actually....
so badly, that we had some water leaks in the house.
And it hasn't quit raining.
As of yesterday afternoon, the rain gauge was over 4 inches.

This morning I will have to empty that gauge, or it will over flow.
And we have 2 more days of solid rain predicted.

The ducks are happy.

Their pond is as large as it gets...
almost over-flowing.

The turkeys don't seem to mind.

Poor Edith looks like a drowned rat as she hurries to and fro.

The rest of the animals
have stayed under roof all day and night.

Little Leo is happily making the upstairs hayloft of the barn his new home.
With frequent visits from us humans and the barn kitties Bobby and TomTom,
he seems quite content to stay.

This weather makes outdoor chores a bit tedious,
so I am turning my sights inward,
cleaning out closets,
re-organizing the pantry,
scrubbing the inside of the refrigerator,
cooking and baking.

I turned this little pumpkin baby from the garden

into this yummy pumpkin pie.

If you have never had a fresh pumpkin pie,
I have to tell you
there is nothing like it.
It is a little more fibrous than that canned pumpkin,
a little less orange...

but oh, so much more flavorful!

The rest of our pumpkins will get roasted and frozen 
for use in pies, breads, or soup throughout the winter.

Do you need some rain...wherever you are?
I would love to send you some of ours.
I believe we have had enough!

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