Washed Clean

Washed Clean

There is something wonderful in a morning that follows a night of showers.

The air and the land are clean and fresh...
all hints of pollen, dust, and grime temporarily gone.

It's a fresh slate....and it's just waiting to be doodled upon.

That's sort of how I feel about life each morning...
a fresh slate...
a chance to do it and get it right...
a daily do-over!

What would life be like if we approached each day with that ideal?
If we left behind the disappointments of yesterday,
and just started fresh....
as if a cool spring shower had wiped clean our hearts?

Just a thought that filtered through my mind as I climbed the ladder to the hayloft,

and looked out from the top of the barn over a portion of what I hold dear.

How lucky birds are to have this view at any given time!

(Don't tell the turkeys what they are missing.)

The last stop of morning chores is always the manure pile,
where I dump all of the previous night's accumulated manure.

For the last two mornings, when I reach that area of the farm and pass the pumpkin patch,
this is what I see...

For the life of me, I have no idea how Sam gets himself into the pumpkin patch.

He swears the chickens open the gate for him.

I'm inclined to believe he might be fibbing.

And so, once again I open the gate 

and Sam runs out and hops into his favorite seat....

ready to head home for a nap.

It's hard being Sam.
Just ask him.

- Spring Chores
Yesterday was super-spectacular.Afternoon temperatures reached 70 and I dug in to my spring chore list. In addition to the usual barn chores,I raked 6 tractor loads of composted manure into the pumpkin patch.Then I ran the root-tiller through the soil...

- An Afternoon At The Pool
We are having a hot and humid week,with a threat of thunder showers daily. Yesterday afternoon the thermometer was in the 90's.When the weather is this warm, the pigs get a little uncomfortable,so they head for the coolest place they know...the pool!...

- The Great September Deluge
It's raining.Actually, it's pouring.I'm thinking of building an ark.Really. Sunday night around 5 pm it started to rain...pour, actually....so badly, that we had some water leaks in the house.And it hasn't quit raining.As of yesterday...

- What Is It?
A question I have pondered for what seems like an eternity..... Just what is itabout a manure pile.... that attracts my dogs? After all, I feed them well.They get an egg each morning for breakfast.And yet,every chance they get,they are...

- Morning Chores
Every morning it is the same routine...out of bed at the crack of dawn, load the dogs into the gator,(Oakley runs ahead of us)(Sadie stays home these days...a little lameness issue). TomTom meets the gator halfway down the lane. We head to the barn and...

