The Greenhouse & Other Things by The Cats

The Greenhouse & Other Things by The Cats

The green house is mostly finished. Daddy will most likely continue making improvements forever. First they hung this metal shelve. They have decided they do not like it, so Daddy has gone back to the drawing board.

Then Daddy built this nice table for Mommy to use when she is potting flowers. She likes it very much. She has already planted some dill seeds, supposedly butterflies like it. She has some catnip to plant when she has time. Unfortunately she has been very busy lately and it didn't help that she got locked in the greenhouse yesterday. Luckily she had her cell phone so she could call youngest boy bean and tell him to let her out.

Youngest boy bean is a member of Team Fusion 364. They are having a golf tournament Saturday to raise money. Mommy has been trying to get donations and door prizes. Tomorrow she will cook a ton of her world famous brownies to take to the tournament for the golfers to eat. Lucky golfers.

While we were off galavanting in Ireland Mommy & Daddy got some grass carp for the pond. Hopefully they will eat the vegetation that is hogging our pond and keep it nice and clean. Mommy also got some weeding done while we were gone. She only has a few ant infested flower beds left to weed. She had to get rid of the ants before she could weed them.

We have the hummingbird feeders clean and all ready to put out as soon as Mommy has the time. We think we have caught you up to date. We have BIG PLANS for Easter and we will tell you all about Our Wonderful Easter, Monday.

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks
Our report for the Society of Feline Gardeners. Do go by Jonesie's to see what everybuddy else has going on. I thinks it was Alfie & Milo who suggested photographing fall leaves. We don't have many fall leaves here most of our trees are evergreens...

- Working Wednesday
The Hummingbird Cottage is coming together nicely. We hung the hummingbird feeders up yesterday and Mommy planted some seeds in the hanging baskets so hopefully they will be ready to hang up soon. We really likes the way Daddy did the entrances to the...

- Thursday In The Garden
 This is one of our Kalanchoes, we has a yellow one too, but it is not blooming.  Mommy was pleasantly suprised at how well this one has done.   A little wildflower that is living in a pot in the greenhouse. Mommy loves how delicate...

- What I Want To Buy My Mom & Dad Fur Christmas.
Frankie is hosting this Thanksgiving post. Go by his blog to find out what other furies want to get their parents for Christmas. Well we woulds like to buy a cement floor for the greenhouse so Mommy wouldn't have to weed in there. We would also like...

- The Greenhouse
Daddy borrowed a monster from a friend to paint the greenhouse. Daddy is taking a break from painting to talk to eldest boy bean and Mommy never managed to get a picture of the monster spitting paint on the greenhouse, our apologies. This is the greenhouse...

