Thursday in the Garden with Socks

Thursday in the Garden with Socks

Our report for the Society of Feline Gardeners. Do go by Jonesie's to see what everybuddy else has going on.

I thinks it was Alfie & Milo who suggested photographing fall leaves. We don't have many fall leaves here most of our trees are evergreens but the Popcorn Trees put on a nice show for us. They has seeds that look like cooked popcorn. They were already planted here when Mommy & Daddy bought the house, Mommy wouldn't have planted them because they are so invasive but we do likes the fall color and the birds enjoy the seeds, so we are keeping them.

 Speaking of fall color the Cuphea looks purrfect for fall.

 The roses are pretty too.

 The zinnias look nice, boy do those flowers have a lot of blooming time.

 I have been very busy making sure Mommy gets everything tided up while the weather is nice.

 Doesn't the Candlebush look pretty.
 The Ginger Lilies.

 I don't know what this Butterfly is doing, maybe laying eggs are something. The Butterflies are still fluttering around.

Purple Lantana

 More Fall Leaves for you.....................

Daddy got the greenhouse put back together, but Mommy has to kill the ants that built a nest in there before she can put the flowers back in there, so they are still in the garage. She cut some of them back today and weeded around them.

 We still has lots of work to do in the yard.

 Mommy needs to trim the vines at the Hummingbird Cottage.

See these little berry things. They are the seeds from our Gold Flame Honeysuckle. The birds likes to eat them. ~Socks

- Thursday In The Garden
 Fall brings an explosion of color to Mississippi Gardens. This Hummingbird is enjoying the Pineapple Sage.  Mommy was standing right by the Hummingbird when she took the picture. She said it was nice being able to take a shot from above the...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Well March 1 was really nice Mommy did some much needed gardening. The flower beds around the Hummingbird Cottage were weeded, ant poison was put out and Mommy planted some stuff. She planted one of the Gold Flame Honeysuckle Vines she rooted in...

- Tsarina Tuesday (sleeping Beauty)
 I am very exhausted. I have been helping Mommy in the yard. Our Lantana is blooming, isn't it pretty the bees buzz around it a lot.  The Rooster Violets are simply pawsome, they blooms all year. I love these flowers.  The Foxgloves...

- Thursday In The Garden
 This is a Foxglove Mommy keeps in the green house. A little violet is coming up in the same pot. Mommy will probably find a bed to plant it in this year.  Daddy grew these tomatoes from seeds. He has already planted most of them in buckets....

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am enjoying the Butterfly Garden for as long as I can since  winter is on the way. We are hoping the Red Hibiscus will bloom before it dies. It has lots of buds on it. We wouldn't buy this plant again. It is very high maintenance and...

