The Herb Garden

The Herb Garden

The Cilantro I tried to transplant looks as if it is going to die. I am hoping it will reseed itself.

Today I planted Herb Curry, Curly Leaf Parsley,  Munstead Lavender, Greek Oregano, Italian Oregano, and Mother of Thyme.

- Saturday Sharing
The Yarrow Mommy planted in the herb bed is blooming, it is a lovely shad of pink. The Fennel is doing good and we even have some Dill. And the Mosquito Plants have outdone themselves. The Oregano is blooming too. All in all our herb bed is looking good...

- Sibling Saturday
Mommy planted Pinata Lavender in the her bed. Fenris kept careful watch while Mommy was weeding the herb bed and planting the lavender. I was too busy doing yoga. I thinks I have down dog, down pat, what do you thinks? The bed looks very nice after she...

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks & Artemisia
Mommy got some herbs for the Herb Bed. She got ornamental peppers (they aren't a herb but she stuck them in the Herb Bed anyway. The herbs she got are Stevia, Chamomile (it smells like apples), Tricolor Sage, Mexican Tarragon and our purrsonal favourite...

- Happy Gotcha Day Scylla ~ Thursday In The Garden
Today is my Gotcha Day so they said I could do the gardening post. They also made this pawsome cake for me to share with you and we has bubbles to chase. Let's head down to the Butterfly Garden, it is very pretty this time of year and I thinks it...

- Six
We hopes you enjoy these SIX pictures. Number One is a picture of our cactus. Some more cactus. The Nemesia Our herb bed. You can see our thyme, lemon balm,  fennel & cilantro. In this picture of the herb bed you can see the oregano,  lavender,...

