The Last Crop

The Last Crop

There was a time,
when our cities were smaller...
and our countryside expansive....
dotted with small family farms.

It was a time...
when we grew much of what we ate, or at least knew who grew it.
Family meals were the center of our day...
and much of our lives revolved around providing those meals.

Then "progress" came along and suddenly our attentions shifted elsewhere.
And the family farm?
It started to disappear.....

"Asphalt is the land's last crop."
                                                  Rupert Cutler, Environmentalist

Two weeks ago I received an email from documentary filmmaker, Chuck Schultz,
requesting help in promoting his film

The Last Crop
(click on title to view the film's trailer)

As Chuck wrote to me....

"The Last Crop is an intimate exploration into who grows what we eat
 and what it takes to be a farmer in today's America.

At the heart of our story is one family’s determination to address three critical issues facing farmers and our nation’s food system today: the affordability of farmland, the fragile balance of farm succession, and ultimately, the preservation of small family run farms."

Today, Chuck and his production company begin a campaign,
to raise the last 25% of the funds needed to complete this important documentary.
I pray he reaches his goal.

What can we do?
Besides the obvious... supporting his film...
just as important is supporting small farmers!

Spread the word!

Take action!

And while you are at it...
support local farm markets, co-ops, CSA's.
Eat at restaurants that promote local fare.

Can you imagine a world without this?

PS....Please take a moment to visit the links that I have provided in this post.
If you can help with this film...please do.
If not, perhaps you could take action in other ways.
The only way we can make a difference is to try.

Be the change you wish to see in our world!
Tomorrow I promise to be back with more Tails From the Farm...

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