Who Says.....

Who Says.....

You Can't Buy Love?
                                      by an unknown author

"You can't buy loyalty so they say;
I bought it though, the other day.

You can't buy friendship, tried and true;
Well, just the same, I bought that, too.

I made my bid, and on the spot,
Bought love and faith, and a whole job lot
of happiness.

 So, all in all,
The purchase price was pretty small. 

I bought a simple, trusting heart
That gave devotion from the start. 

If you think these things are not for sale,
Buy a brown-eyed donk with a rope like tail!"

Author prefers to remain "anonymous"..

I simply found it amongst a collection of poems about donkeys
and thought it fitting!

Have a wonderful weekend.
We will be keeping our eyes on the weather as Hurricane Sandy heads up the coast.
The farm may be in for quite a storm next week!
Hope you stop by for a visit next week.

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- Surprise!
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- Sundays Are Fun Days!!
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