The Last Meow: Police Officer shoots chained dog while 3 year old pleads for the dogs life

The Last Meow: Police Officer shoots chained dog while 3 year old pleads for the dogs life

 We are very sad, Mommy blogged about the reason at The Last Meow.

The Last Meow: Police Officer shoots chained dog while 3 year old pleads for the dogs life

- Melmo
I started a Facebook page for Melmo the 11 year old dog that was shot in her own yard while chained by a police officer. From comments on the article in the Sun Herald I understand Melmo's family has been seeking legal advice. Hopefully something...

- Rosie's Story
This is Rosie's Story as pieced together from the police report and an eye witness account. At some point Rosie got on the wrong side of her 6 ft high fenced in yard when her owners were not home. Perhaps the children spotted chasing her let her out...

- Purrs 4 Peace - Year Two - Month 1: Right Of Life
We are purring for Purrs 4 Peace - Year Two - Month 1: Right of Life We are purring for all those cats and dogs trapped in KILL SHELTERS. Every 8 seconds an animal is euthanized in a Shelter in the United States….One LIFE is ended. It is estimated that...

- Alasandra's Place: Dog Murdered For Defending His Home
Alasandra's Place: Dog Murdered for Defending His Home: "The officer was at the home investigating a complaint of children not attending school and was trying to find a parent when he went to the door of the house, Wallace said. While investigating,...

- Million $ School Scuffle
A million dollar lawsuit has been filed on behalf of a Mid-South student who says he was roughed up by a school resource officer. It happened at Greenwood High School in Greenwood, Mississippi. Bounds definitely needs to put an end to all this school...

