The Long Walk Home

The Long Walk Home

It's the end of a busy day...end of a busy week.
I've planted and planted,
watered and watered,
weeded and weeded...
and done everything else that needs to be done each week.

I look around the farm and am surrounded by the fruits of my labor.

Everything looks lovely.

Now I just need to maintain...
a little daily weeding and watering should keep things lovely.

At the end of each day we are tired....


For sure.

I head down the lane with crackers in hand...

to get Gracie and her girls.

It's time for bed...
time for the safety of the barn.
Gracie is always ready to go back to the barn for bed.
The twins are getting quite independent, and take their own sweet time...

It's Memorial Day weekend....
what I have always thought of as the official start of Summer!
This weekend we have house guests.
We will have visits from the wedding pastor, our caterer, and a friend who is going to M.C. the event.

We are finally erecting the platform tent in the woods.
All hands on deck for that event!

We'll be back Monday with a weekend catch-up,
as well as a little Memorial Day salute from the critters.
Hope your weekend is full of fun!

- Fenris Friday
It is very hot outside. I am staying inside where it is air conditioned. No walking this weekend since Daddy is home, Mommy says we will be back to our regularly scheduled beach walk next week. I also want to let you know about a blog party to help Charlie,...

- Slowing Down, Now Full Speed Ahead!
You may notice that some of today's pictures don't actually go with today's story.That's the way we roll this week.It's a little busy around here....but just for now. We actually did slow down (just a little) this weekend.The normal...

- Co-mingling
Last week's cool weather has left us and we are once againin the midst of summer-like days. Our weekend was full.Amanda and Tim's friend, John, who attended Lutheran Seminary and who will be marrying them,came to spend the weekend and discuss...

- And Then There Were Fourteen
A week of rain has made outside work next to impossible.I did manage to get in an hour of weeding yesterday and completely cleaned up my asparagus patch. On my way to the garden, I stopped by the pond... a head count yielded 14 ducklings... down...

- Weekend Excitement
Happy Labor Day!How has your Labor Day Weekend been so far?Have you done anything fun to celebrate the end of summer? We had quite a bit of an exciting weekend here on the farm.Hubbs took 4 days off, so we had lots of adventures. Friday we finally finished...

