The O'Reilly Factor Attacks Daily Kos

The O'Reilly Factor Attacks Daily Kos

Read Welcome Fox Viewers! by DarkSyde

Bill O'Reilly (who should try reading Daily Kos before slamming it) described Daily Kos as a hate site. He seems unable to grasp the fact that anyone can submit a diary to Daily Kos. In fact Mr. O'Reilly say's , "An open forum is bull". Apparently having a site where anyone is free to express their opinion is bull to Mr. O'Reilly. I assume from Bill O'Reilly's remarks about an open forum that if you visit his site only remarks that he approves of will be posted. On the other hand Daily Kos is willing to let anyone express their opinion. Therefore all remarks are posted.

Keep up the good job Daily Kos, I may not agree with everyone who writes a diary on Daily Kos, but I appreciate the fact that we are all free to express our opinion. DarkSyde thanks for your spirited defense of Daily Kos, and for providing the link to the O'Reilly Factor segment, so we can see for ourselves what a jerk Bill O'Reilly is. In fact he was positively hateful in his Daily Kos bashing, perhaps we should label the O'Reilly Factor a hateful show?

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