The Rhythm of Life... In The Company of Dogs

The Rhythm of Life... In The Company of Dogs

There's a comfort to the rhythm of life...
the daily sun-up-sun-down rhythm.

We live our life on the farm in tune with the rhythm of life.

So, it's never surprising that our friends understand that rhythm as well.
This past weekend we experienced the rhythm of the tides...

spending Friday thru Sunday at the Chesapeake home of our friends...
appropriately dubbed "Labs and Crabs"!

We take a yearly sojourn here to spend a few days
eating well, drinking wine, playing games, conversing, kayaking, boating,
paddle boarding and most of all laughing...
with the very best of friends and their canine companions.

Since the weekend was spent away from the farm,
I have no farm animal stories for you.
But instead, will feature Roxy and Lola...
two young, enthusiastic water dogs who entertained us on our "getaway".

This series of photos needs no captions....

To me there is nothing better than the obvious joy
on the face of a well-loved dog!

- Weekend Getaway
Our weekend's adventure was a trip to Maryland's Eastern Shore(the Chesapeake Bay)  to visit our friends Liz and Mel. We spent Friday through Sunday at their house on the bay... enjoying magical sunsets... indulging in wonderful food...

- Refreshed!
Ok....huge apologies are in order.I know you stop by to see the farm.Today there is no farm.Today there is barely a post.Please accept my apologies.I will be back tomorrow in the usual manner. We were gone from Friday through Sunday.Three couples...the...

- Wild And Wonderful Weekends
To you, reading this blog, it might seem like the everyday routine on the farmis awfully busy.And although you are right, it is busy....there is a sort of rhythm to the work.It is all very quiet, usually calm and completely peaceful tending to daily chores....

- Stuffed, But Savoring The Memories
Thanksgiving is over.We had much to be grateful for.We ate, we played, we surrounded ourselves with the love of family and friends. We are truly blessed.Blessed.Truly. And now we head into the holiday season.Much preparation awaits us.Parties, gifting,...

- Morning Chores
Every morning it is the same routine...out of bed at the crack of dawn, load the dogs into the gator,(Oakley runs ahead of us)(Sadie stays home these days...a little lameness issue). TomTom meets the gator halfway down the lane. We head to the barn and...

