The Truth About Homeschoolers

The Truth About Homeschoolers

Why do people feel the need to bash homeschooling. I respect wrekehavoc's right to send her children to public school, why doesn't she respect my right to homeschool? Her post home(school) is anywhere you hang your head is full of BS.

First she says

there’s something very isolationist and elitist about homeschooling

What??? It's not like we stay home all day. In fact as I type this my youngest son is at a Team Fusion 364 meeting.

one of the most important skills i think kids need to learn is how to make decisions — smart ones —on their own.

I agree. But homeschooled children are just as capable of making decisions on their own as public school children are.

why would anyone want to be with anyone 24/7?

Jeez, did I mention that my youngest son is at a Team Fusion 364 meeting and I am here blogging away to my hearts content. Homeschoolers do not spend 24 hours a day 7 days a week with their kids.

do the parents make conscious and deliberate attempts to ensure their kids meet other kids from different racial, religious, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds?

Why wouldn't our children meet kids from other backgrounds? Homeschoolers come in all different races, religions, cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds. We belong to an INCLUSIVE Homeschool Group that has allowed us to befriend homeschoolers of many varied backgrounds.

what i want to know is what happens when these kids go to college and subsequently enter the real world.

The same thing that happens when a public school student goes to college.

what happens when they don’t understand any of the cultural references of their peers?

Why wouldn't they understand the cultural references of their peers? We watch the same TV shows, we have Internet access, we play video games. In short my kids do the same things public school students do in their free time.

Did I mention my oldest son, who is 18, is in his third year of a Computer Science degree and loves college. Homeschooling allowed him him to move at an advanced pace instead of being held back by his public school peers. Homeschooling allowed him to spread his wings and soar instead of having his wings clipped by a school system that insist that all children must learn at the same rate.

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