The Ugly Truth

The Ugly Truth

Each morning, as you read my blog,
I would love for you to imagine me like this....

gracefully skipping around the farm,
with a handmade basket on my arm,
tending to my chickens, goats and horses.

Flowing frocks, pinafores, floppy hat...
clean-faced, freshly washed hair blowing in the gentle morning breeze.

Sadly, though, the ugly truth is this...

I roll out of bed before the sun comes up.
I throw on my under armor and the rattiest, warmest 
outdoor clothing with the warmest, dumbest hat I can find and out I go.
I work for 2 or three hours in the freezing Northeast winter cold,
and I actually look like this.....

Sad, but true.

The upper pictures really are me,
when I have enough time to actually get myself ready.
But for morning chores....

Well, the animals (thankfully) could care less what I look like.

So there you have it...

The ugly truth!

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