The Wild Calls Me

The Wild Calls Me

Yesterday was Wednesday, my usual day off from farm chores.
Having spent the morning doing household chores and errands,
I decided to take the pups for a walk to the barn in the afternoon.
They were in dire need of burning off mass quantities of energy!

The weather was splendid... 65, sunny and windy.

We started down the driveway, Annie and Oakley ahead...

Sammy and I walking together,
and Bobby bringing up the rear.

As the wind blew through the dry leaves,
I heard the wild calling my name softly over the rustling.
A walk to the barn would be fun, but a walk in the woods....
much, much better!
And so we made an about-face and headed back up the driveway to the back of the house.
Here, we headed out through the woodpile and into the wild.

The dogs love to run through the woods... so much to smell...such an adventure.

Even Bobby came traipsing down through the crunchy leafed forrest floor.

Hmmmmm...who lives in here?

We headed down the hill towards our open field...

a field we are hoping one day holds a house or two for our kids....

and we hiked towards the far corner... 

where a stream runs parallel

 to this leaf-covered dirt road.

Here we played a game of fetch.

Me, throwing the ball into the stream... and the dogs taking turns retrieving it.

Except Sam...his idea of playing fetch is to drive Oakley crazy!
After all, who can run with a Sammy on their back!

All of my dogs love the water, but none of them swim.

They are content to wade where they can touch bottom but no further.

So I threw the ball into the shallow areas and they happily brought it back to me.

As we turned around and headed the opposite way, I heard a faint meowing coming
down through the woods.

Bobby had followed us the whole way...

and continued on our walk with us.
Bobby, the incredible hiking cat!

I thought we should give you a little demonstration of just how well Annie listens to me
these days (I light of her going AWOL on Monday).
As long as she is within earshot, she really does very well...
you be the judge...

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