
Behind our house there is a magical path that leads out 
through the wood pile and makes its way into the woods. 

The woods on this side of the house is a mixture of hemlock (evergreen)
 and deciduous trees.  

For three seasons of the year, these woods are thick and dense with growth. 
 During the winter time, however, you can easily explore this area. 

 And that's just what we did yesterday, the dogs and I. 
 We went for a walk.

The dogs never tire of exploring the woods;
it's their favorite activity.
The weather was cold and crisp...
a couple of inches of powdery snow still on the ground.

We walked through the woods and out into a new 11 acre field that we 
added to our farm last year....
with the hopes that some day, perhaps a couple of our kids
might want to settle there.  
For now, though, it is a corn field.

One edge of this land is bordered by a creek.

It was that creek that the dogs and I headed for.

This quiet country stream is one of my favorite places.

Besides being picturesque, it is peacefull....
silent, but for the sound of water trickling over rocks.

A layer of snow all around adds to the quietude.

Maddie and I sat on the edge of the stream and took in the sights.

Maddie is a Newfoundland and loves the snow.
In the winter she spends most of her time outside...
her thick, black double coat impervious to the weather.

A little farther downstream there is a steep rock wall 
that borders one side.  
Water had flowed down over these rocks and frozen there,
making a frozen water fall...

In the summertime, we often don our rubber boots and
wade downstream, exploring all of the nooks and crannies of
this beautiful little stream...
another favorite canine activity.

For this walk with the dogs, however, I decided to stay off
the ice...not sure if it would hold all of us.

I am so glad that I have the dogs to keep me company.
They are always up for any adventure that I plan,
and go along willingly.

As for the cats....
well, that is just another subject.
While the dogs and I are out hiking in the snow,
the cats are safe inside the barn,
beneath their heat lamps...
Queen Ella Bella, the sourpuss.
warm and cozy.
TomTom grooming Bobby.
Truth be told, their adventures take place at night.
Daytime is for sleep.

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- It's A Dog's Life
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