This Contest is For the Birds!

This Contest is For the Birds!

Well, I thought it might be time for a 
Bee Haven Acres Blog Contest.

You might remember that I bought 12 new chicks on April 10th 
at our feed store.
These were the Ameracauna chickens who will eventually
 lay  green eggs.
I bought a straight run (sounds like a card game)....
that means they were un-sexed.
Meaning....I have no idea how many are hens 
and how many are ROOSTERS!!!
Oh Lawd, I hope there are no ROOSTERS!!!

But, alas, I know there are.

"How?" you ask.

Because each morning I hear crowing 
coming from inside the henhouse....
no, a few different voices.

Land sakes, we got ROOSTERS!!!!

Ok, so the contest is this.
Please leave me a comment as to how many roosters 
you think I might have out of 12 chickens.

The winner will be determined as soon as
 the birds are old enough to tell for sure.
(which should be soon)

I think that this guy may be a ROOSTER...
See his/her lovely cheek muffs?

Ok, so leave me a comment stating the total amount of 
I have.

The winner will receive a "goody" box from Bee Haven Acres.
(perhaps a box full of roosters.....just kidding!)

If there is more than one correct guess, 
I will have a very creative drawing. guess, now....will ya!

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