This Is How We Roll...

This Is How We Roll...

Every morning, chores begin at the barn.
The horses are let out into the pasture.
Hay is spread for them.
Water buckets are filled.
The cats are fed.
The pigs are fed, watered, and cleaned.
The dry lot and stalls are cleaned.

The turkey pen is opened and the turkeys are let out for the day.

And then we head up to the goats and chickens to finish the chores up there.
And every morning, this is how we go....

These two are quite unique birds!
Tom and Chuck...and to think at one time we thought you might join us for Thanksgiving!
Worry have a safe home with us for the rest of your lives...
you crazy feathered fellows!

- Rainy Day Chores
With the exception of feeding times,I stayed in the house most of yesterday.It rained every single minute of the day... non-stop. By afternoon, the equines, sheep, turkeys and chickens were all quite bedraggled.The goats....dry as can be.Goats don't...

- Herding Turkeys
Our two bourbon red turkeys, Tom and Chuck, spend their dayspatrolling the farm.For the most part they hang out with the chickens most of the day. However, if there is any other activity going on,you can find them in the middle of it. Every afternoon...

We were treated to a sunny last!!Yesterday was beautiful, sunny, highs in the upper 60's.Needless to say, I spent the entire day outside working. Here is the list of yesterday's completed chores:normal AM animal chorescleaned 3 chicken...

- A Day In The Life
I thought I would take you along with me to do the morning chores. You'll have to bundle up, it's freezing outside. Ten degrees with a wind chill of much lower....we'll be out for about 2 1/2 hours, so dress warmly! A warm hat and warm, waterproof...

- Ah, Fresh Water
During morning chores, we filled the watering trough in the pasture. It did not take long for the horses and ponies to wander down and check out what we were up to. Ah, there is nothing quite as tasty as fresh water right out of the well....Ava and Donnie...

