This Little ..........

This Little ..........

In just three short days, I am leaving the farm
and heading to West Virginia ( 7 hours away) for a brief visit with
Amy, of Verde Farm....

(can you feel the excitement building?)

(wait for it.....)

(wait for it.....)






Yes, this weekend our sweet little piggy sisters,


and MaryAnn

are coming home to live on the farm!

We are sooooooooooo, so excited to finally meet these little gals.
Don't worry,
I will take my cameras and chronicle the trip to and fro for you.

A seven hour trip home with two squealing piglets....
Do you think the girls will cry "Weeeee, Weeeeee, Weeeeeeeee"  all the way home???

I thought you might like to see a barn update...

The roof trusses were delivered yesterday.
Soon the skeleton will be complete!
Happily, the weather has cooperated these past two weeks.

- What's One More Mouth To Feed.......
Alright already.Geesh!You guys should all be state your case quite well.Yesterday I posted that I might take Gracie....the lambie twin's sweet mama...who is in need of a retirement home. I don't like to get ahead of myself in the...

- A Tale Of Two Piggies
So sorry....we were late today!!! It's Thursday already, and for the life of me...I don't know how this week has slipped by so quickly! How about some more answers to your wonderful questions.I cannot tell you how helpful those questions were...

- Just Pigs
Today's post is short and sweet....a trip to visit Ginger and MaryAnn. For once, there is really nothing newsworthy to write about.Really.Some days are like that...but not often! You might think that you have seen the above picture many times.Believe...

- Sweet Surrender
Prepare yourselves...because when you see the pictures from this weekendyou will find yourself surrendering your Daphne and Morning Glory(Chloe)! (I am seriously considering changing Morning Glory's name to "Chloe".) We trailered...

- A Brief Respite
This morning, Dr. Becky and I are leaving the farm.It is time for a girls' road trip! We are heading to Lexington, Kentucky, a 10 hour trip with a few friends,for The World Equestrian Games(of course just to watch!) This year is the first year...

