What's One More Mouth to Feed.......

What's One More Mouth to Feed.......

Alright already.
You guys should all be attorneys...you state your case quite well.
Yesterday I posted that I might take Gracie....the lambie twin's sweet mama...
who is in need of a retirement home.

I don't like to get ahead of myself in the decision making process...
but I can tell you that when I posted that... I had all but made the decision to take her.
My reasoning....what better gift to a retiring ewe than to spend the rest of her days with her last twins.

I just didn't get ahead of myself and state that.

You did, however.
And I applaud you for that.
I knew you were my kind of people all along.
I knew you "get it".

When so many look at us and wonder "why?"...
you totally get it.
And I love you for that!

So................tomorrow we are taking a road trip to meet and visit with Gracie and her girls.
We cannot bring the family home to the farm yet, as I am still awaiting a fence.
Soon, though....soon.
And unless something horrible hits me in the face when I meet Gracie...
we will be including her in our farm family.

I am so excited that the girls will be here before we have our big,
annual pre-school field to the farm.
Children love baby animals, so the addition of the lambs will be a big hit!

As for everyone else on the farm...
things are rather quiet right now.
It's been dreary and cold.
So... I will share this little video from yesterday...
just two minutes of farm life...

Look how well Tom's feathers are growing back!

It's been fascinating watching the daily change.

Check back tomorrow for a Walk on The Wild Side...
maybe a bear?  who knows.....

- Moving Day
It was a big weekend for Gracie and the twins, as well as Ginger and MaryAnn. Gracie and the girls spent their first day in their new enclosure...as neighbors to the pigs. With dogs safely and temporarily stowed behind the garden fence...I worried that...

- Gracie And The Lambs Go On The Lam
One of our daily tasks right now is the process of socializing the lambs.Gracie....she's been a piece of cake...all it takes is a packet of Ritz crackers and she'd follow you anywhere.ANYWHERE! That is, until yesterday morning....when for some...

- Baa Baa, Black (and White) Sheep
Sometimes it just seems as though things were meant to be.And the way things are going this week...I feel that very strongly. I received an email yesterday announcing that my baby lambs have been born.ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!Can you believe it?How perfect is...

- Praying For A Happy Ending
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- This Little ..........
In just three short days, I am leaving the farmand heading to West Virginia ( 7 hours away) for a brief visit withAmy, of Verde Farm.... where.....(can you feel the excitement building?) (wait for it.....) (wait for it.....) we pick up our piggies! Yes,...

