Thunderstorm Season

Thunderstorm Season

We're in the midst of a stretch of showers and thunderstorms.

(With an occasional tornado watch thrown in!)

Those of us with any sense at all are remaining indoors
and watching from the safety of shelter.

Those without any sense....

are wet!

We've had so many inches of rain that the front pasture is flooding.

The pond is full to the brim.

And most of the ducks have headed for higher ground.
(for whatever reason)

I am making good use of this time and taking care of this...

and this...

Every day, I pick a large bucket full of produce from the garden.
We've had a strawberry explosion.
It's a late harvest for these berries, but I suppose that is because the 
first wave of blossoms froze.
The freeze certainly did not hurt our harvest.
I turned this colander full into a batch of jam.

While it storms outside,
I am enjoying fresh picked flowers inside the house.
If I cannot be out in my garden,
at least I can bring some of it inside with me!

I am looking forward to this weekend.
Tyler is coming to stay on Grammie's farm for the weekend.
Let's hope we get a break in the weather.

See you Monday with more Tails from the Farm!

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