Thursday in the Garden (Flashback 2014)

Thursday in the Garden (Flashback 2014)

This is our Rooster Violet, it likes cold weather and is still doing well.


Red Buckeye, Mommy still hasn't gotten it planted. We hopes it survives long enough for Mommy to get Daddy to plant it for us.

Our Roses, this is the rosebush that Silly Scylla thought she could jump over.


The Skyflower, believe it our not we have already seen some butterflies fluttering around on the warmer days we had. We thinks they are as eager for Spring as we are.

Plummeria, our only complaint with it is, it doesn't bloom enough.

These are some of the Wildflowers that grew in our yard this summer. The phone takes better close ups then our camera does.

We just love this picture of the blue flower.

And these are some of our Fall flowers. We sure will be glad when the warm weather is here. We are looking forward to Spring. Some of our Spring flowers are already here, but it is too cold for Mommy to want to venture outside to see them. ~ATCAD

- Mancat Monday (flashback 2014)
Mommy finally figured out how to get the pictures off her phone and onto the computer. As you can see Scylla and I enjoy our outside time, especially when Mommy is available for petting. We has lots of neat wildflowers growing in our yard, little violets...

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla
Some wildflowers we likes. The Azaleas they sure are purrty right now. We just loves this time of year. Scylla is inspecting the Azaleas carefully. Our Rooster Violet it is a native plant. The Carolina Jasmine, we has some growing wild on the back side...

- Thursday In The Garden With Arty Mouse
Slightly out of focus picture of the Carolina Jessamine. The Rooster Violet, it is a wildflower that we likes a lot. It will bloom all winter, it seems to enjoy cold weather. I thinks this big clump of green is Shasta Daisies, they never bloomed so I...

- Thursday In The Garden With Arty Mouse
The obligatory glamor shot of my glamorous self. Mommy got all the dead zinnias out of this bed, she made a bad mistake though she accidentally cut our Goldflame Honeysuckle down. We hopes it will grow back. Mommy is trying to root some of it in the greenhouse....

- Flowers On Friday By Scylla
These pictures were taken November 6th. Many of our kitty friends that live further north then we do were surprised we still had flowers this late into the fall. We still had flowers and butterflies until the night of November 18th. That night Jack Frost...

