Thursday in the Garden with Arty Mouse

Thursday in the Garden with Arty Mouse

The obligatory glamor shot of my glamorous self.

Mommy got all the dead zinnias out of this bed, she made a bad mistake though she accidentally cut our Goldflame Honeysuckle down. We hopes it will grow back. Mommy is trying to root some of it in the greenhouse. We has our paws crossed that it grows back and that Mommy manages to root it.

The violet is doing good it likes the cold weather and will happily bloom all winter.

This is one of our last zinnias.

The Camillas are doing great. They are evergreens so the frost doesn't bother them.

This picture was taken last week. Mr. Jack Frost visited our garden and killed the Pineapple Sage, but the Rosemary is still  nice and green it will stay green all winter.

Close up of the Camilla bloom.

A wildflower Mommy saw when she was wedding. It has very delicate red flowers.

Lantana. still blooming.

I haven't seen any butterflies after Mr Jack Frost's visit. I thinks they are gone until Spring.

For some reason Mommy doesn't want me in the flowerbed.

I'll show her.

I is a cat I sits where I wants.

OK, I'll get out now.

If you insist I guess I will pose for you.

I agrees I is the prettiest thing in the garden.

I am going over to Jonesie's now to make my gardening report to The Society of Feline Gardeners, won't you join me?

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks
Our Camellias are lovey, this is the hot pink one. The Pineapple Sage was gorgeous just a few days ago, but we had a frost and it is all dead now. The Rosemary still looks pretty though. The is the light pink Camilla, we has another one but it doesn't...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Angel Trumpet is safe in the Greenhouse now. We had a frost November 24th and it had to go live in the Greenhouse until Spring. We got a nice picture of it blooming I bet you can't guess what color it is going to be. I will show you Saturday....

- Thursday In The Garden
 Daddy tore down the barn. Arty was kinda upset about it cause she liked to hang out in there, on the other hand Mommy was thrilled to see it go cause she was afraid it was going to fall down on top of Arty one day. Arty is OK with it now cause guess...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Camellia is an evergreen and the frost will not hurt it. It blooms in the winter all the way to spring. It is the state flower of Alabama. We thought the Candlebush and the Red Hibiscus looked nice together. Jack Frost killed them though. Now...

- Flowers On Friday By Scylla
These pictures were taken November 6th. Many of our kitty friends that live further north then we do were surprised we still had flowers this late into the fall. We still had flowers and butterflies until the night of November 18th. That night Jack Frost...

