Thursday in The Garden

Thursday in The Garden

Mommy had rooted a Cape Honeysuckle to give away, when our large one drowned Mommy planted it in place of the big one, we will try to root another one to give away later.  Mommy dumped large bags of moisture control potting soil in the hole first and she fixed it where the water kinda slopes away from the plant so Mommy thinks this one will be OK.

The Blue Daze.

The Lantana is doing well.

The Tiger Lilies are putting on a show now, they looks very exotic.

We hopes you enjoyed our garden tour. ~ATCAD

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks
The Lantana The Plumeria, Ornamental Peppers and Firecracker Cuphea. Mommy grew the Ornamental Peppers from seed, we are astounded by how well they are doing and the Cuphea broke off from the one she planted at the Hummingbird Cottage so she rooted it....

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla
Some of our friends were upset when Mommy complained about all the rain we got. They lived in areas where they are in a drought and they thought Mommy should be thankful for the rain, unfortunately to MUCH RAIN is just as bad for plants as too LITTLE...

- Thursday In The Garden
This planter is doing pawsome. We thinks it looks really pretty. We can't figure out why the planter on the right looks so puny in comparison. It has the exact same plants in the the exact same potting soil. Mommy switched their locations to see if...

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am so glad you could join me in our garden.  Are you ready for the tour. Please pay attention and don't chase the butterflies, bees or lizards. Ahem, now we can begin.  We will start up at the house with the Azaleas for some reason...

- Mancat Monday
 For a senior mancat I am extremely limber Mommy says, yeah whatever. Mommy also says I has to wake up and show you around the garden.. Are you ready. (Stretch)  This is one of Mommy's new hanging basket she got after the one Grandpa made...

