Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 For a senior mancat I am extremely limber Mommy says, yeah whatever. Mommy also says I has to wake up and show you around the garden.. Are you ready. (Stretch)
 This is one of Mommy's new hanging basket she got after the one Grandpa made broke. It has Blue Daze and White Lantana in it.

 I thinks it is very pretty together.

 This one has Snowflake (aka Bacopa), Diamond Frost (glad Mommy saved the tag we got it's name confused) and Pinkish Pentas in it.

 This Butterfly is enjoy the pink Lantanas planted in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden.

And the Candle Bushes are blooming. Everything loves them all sorts of birds, butterflys, bees, now if we cold only get them to come up where we wants them. These came up from seeds.

- Thursday In The Garden
First we wants to invite you to submit pictures for our Flower Show, details here. We always forgets the password but we thinks it is 3 paw taps. Anyway this is our report for the Society of Feline Gardeners. Be sure to visit Jonesie to find out what...

- Photo Hunt ~ In Memory
We planted the WHISKERS' MEMORIAL BUTTERFLY GARDEN IN MEMORY of Whiskers. This is were Whiskers is buried. This is an explosion of purple verbena, it is very pretty and the butterflies love it. Mommy planted wisteria in the Whiskers' Memorial...

- Twins On Tuesday ~ Another Dare
Maya and Kena -We dare you all to take part in helping prevent global warming (even by making tiny changes) by planting a seed of any species of plant, naming it, and watching it grow while posting the progress on your blog! We are kinda doing this backward...

- Tattle Tail Tuesday By Scylla
Hi everyone, Charybdis and I had a wonderful time hanging out this weekend with the Tortie Twins, Holly and Ivy. You can't imagine how much trouble four young girl cats can get up to. OK, maybe you can, but no photographs no evidence I say. Suffice...

- The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden
We are all still grieving over the loss of Whiskers. In order to honor his memory we have decided to create a butterfly garden around his grave site. He enjoyed being around his family and this will give us a peaceful spot to sit close to his grave and...

