Thursday in The Garden

Thursday in The Garden

Our Garlic is blooming, it looks really nice now that Mommy weeded. It is suppose to keep pest away from the roses. The bees and butterflies seem to like it too.

Our neighbor gave it to us. He went to the Rainbow Bridge last winter, we are very sads about it.

The Yellow Bells look magnificent, they even have seed pods this year. We saw a Hummingbird drinking from the flowers the other day.

Our Confederate Rose, it's actually a Hibiscus, Humans sure have a weird way of naming plants.

The Candle Bush, the bees and birds just LOVE IT.

Butterfly weed.

The yard looks so nice when Daddy is home to tend to it. Now Mommy needs to get busy and weed the flower beds.

~Socks & Scylla reporting for ATCAD

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