Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The Devil's Trumpet is fixing to bloom. AKA Datura stramonium Mommy has it in a pot with some Angel Trumpets, aka Brugmansia arborea so it confused some people last time we posted about it.

The Butterflyweed is doing nicely.

The Whirling Butterflies look pretty.

The Candle Bush is blooming.

Even  he Wisteria wanted to get in on the act. It is the wrong time of the year for it to bloom, it is just suppose to bloom in the SPRING.

The Ginger Lilies look magnificent. ~Scylla & Socks reporting for ATCAD

- Mancat Monday
I walked down to the Hummingbird Cottage with Mom to check on the flowers. The Devil's Trumpet if fixing to bloom. The Yellow Bells are still blooming up a storm. The Asters are blooming. These are smaller then the Stokes Aster and bloom in the Fall...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Hibiscus are blooming we has pink .......................... and white. The silly Wisteria even has a bloom on it. They are suppose to bloom in the Spring not in the summer. The Vitex is blooming. The Whirling Butterflies are looking pretty. And...

- Thursday In The Garden With Tuiren
 All the potted plants have been put in the greenhouse where they are very happy. The Cape Honeysuckle is still blooming. It is warmer here now so we has the windows open.  I likes to help Mommy in the greenhouse.  The Red Hibiscus is fixing...

- Wordy Wednesday
 Our yellow Angel Trumpet is doing pawsomce. The pink one hasn't bloomed this year, and we don't even have a Devil's Trumpet this year. This is how you tells Angel & Devil Trumpets apart. Angel Trumpets point down and have green stems....

- Flowers On Friday ~ Charybdis
The Candle Bush has a caterpillar on it. Do you see it? It is yellow like the blooms so it is camouflaged good. We hope it turns into a beautiful butterfly. I love to drink the rainwater out of the fountain. The Mexican Petunias are very cheerful plants....

