Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The Pineapple Sage is blooming, it looks very lovely.

The Victoria Blue Salvia is still blooming, we are very pleased with it.

The Gladiolas are getting in on the act.

The Peace Lily and Coleus are putting on a show, the Coleus is even blooming.

The Gardenias are blooming. Unfortunately a lot of them turned brown because we were getting torrential down pours.

The Magnolia Tree is blooming. We thinks it is very majestic.

The Royal Purple Queen has exceeded our expectations, we are very glad Mommy got it at the Herb and Garden show.

The Angel Trumpet.

This flower grew funny. It almost looks like some sort of worm.

The rest of Daddy's Wildflowers look beautiful. We has yellows..................

and redish pinks.

The Lantana is blooming looks like it will do well this year if Mommy gets around to weeding their beds.

The Rooster Violets, are doing good.

The Stokes Aster is just gorgeous.

The Butterflyweed in the Charybdis Bed is beginning to bloom. It is about a week behind our Butterflyweed in the Hummingbird Cottage.

The Shasta Daisy's are blooming up a storm.

We hopes you enjoyed our garden tour. Mommy just make a fresh batch of ice tea. Why don't you come hang out on the porch with us and enjoy some. ~ATCAD

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These planters are really doing well. The Fountain Grass is blooming. The Lantana and Verbena are blooming too. The tobacco plant is blooming up a storm. In the Herb Bed the oregano, cilantro and dill are blooming The Hydrangeas are blooming. This one...

- Thursday In The Garden
The front flower bed. The Gladiolas did good this year they stood up straight while they were blooming and didn't flop over. It helped that we didn't get heavy winds and rain during the period they were blooming. The ornamental pepper, we just...

