Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The Devil's Trumpet still blooming up a storm, it also has a seed on it.

The roses looking beautiful.

And I am already for Thanksgiving.

What do you mean I don't belong on the table?????? I belongs where I wants.

Doesn't the Cape Honeysuckle look magnificent. We just love it. All the plants that need to be are now safely in the Greenhouse. Scylla and I watched Mommy cart them from the garage to the Greenhouse. Daddy put the Greenhouse back together for us although he reported that once Spring/Summer gets here the Greenhouse will need a major repair job. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

 PS: Our friend Annabelle who blogs at Purr Therapy is having an auction to help with her vet bills. You can visit the auction here. 

Feel free to use the graphic to publicize the auction for Annabelle.

Phinny needs a HOME for Christmas, read all about him at Savannah's Paw Tracks.

- Tuiren Tuesday
The Greenhouse still isn't fixed, as soon as it is Mommy will have to move the plants out of the garage into the greenhouse. We lost several of our plants because of the unseasonably cold weather we have been having. The Confederate Rose is pretty...

- Thursday In The Garden With Tuiren
 All the potted plants have been put in the greenhouse where they are very happy. The Cape Honeysuckle is still blooming. It is warmer here now so we has the windows open.  I likes to help Mommy in the greenhouse.  The Red Hibiscus is fixing...

- Mancat Monday
I am thankful that I am alive. I am thankful that I got the medical care I needed and I am very thankful to all my friends who lent a paw. Your prayers, purrs, good thoughts, using Reiki on me, pawsitive vibes  and financial aid is greatly appreciated...

- Sleeping Saturday By Socks
The Hanging Mouse Inn is staying busy. It has become my favorite place to hang out. Now if I can just figure out a way to get Fenris' blanket in here. I also wish the Hills y/d cat food tasted as good as the Ideal Balance Canned Dog Food, I managed...

- Wildlife Wednesday
Mommy got a picture of the blue heron that visits our pond. This photograph didn't turn out very well so she played with it some. I kinda like what she did with this one. This is more subdued. The rest of the pictures she took turned out much better....

