Tuiren Tuesday

Tuiren Tuesday

The Greenhouse still isn't fixed, as soon as it is Mommy will have to move the plants out of the garage into the greenhouse.

We lost several of our plants because of the unseasonably cold weather we have been having. The Confederate Rose is pretty much finished for the year, which is a shame. It had tons of buds on it that never got the chance to flower, the hydrangeas are finished too.

I am rather sads about this.

On the plus side I have lots of leaves to play with.

On the minus side our green grass is going away.

I really wish we had, had a nice FALL, the weather was very naughty to skip Fall and go directly to WINTER.

A nice roll should cheer me up.

And I'll be even happier when Daddy gets the Greenhouse put back together.

He made a mess in our yard.

OK, I has shopping to do @ Wildcat Woods Vintage Treasures Auction for Georgie, so it's time for me to go. The auction ends December 7th. I did let Mommy take lots of pictures, before I left for my shopping spree,  so I hopes everyone is happy with me. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD

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