Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The Gardenia  
We have several Gardenia bushes, they smell heavenly.

Our Yellow Bells look stunning when they are blooming. We wants MORE!!!!!!!

The Dill is going to seed.

So is the Cilantro and Oregano.

We thinks this is a Crepe Myrtle. We are not 100% sure as the lady that gave it to us called it something else. We know for sure it isn't what she called it.

Another picture of the Yellow Bells.

The Candy Corn Cuphea, it is blooming early. Apparently it thinks it is fall.

So does the Butterflyweed.

The Pink Angel Trumpet.

We saw a Hummingbird getting a drink from it.

Daddy's Wildflower Garden.

Candyroot growing wild.

Stokes Aster.

Lantana, Mommy really needs to finish weeding so you can see the plants better.

And last but not least the Mockingbird that harasses us.

Hi Jonesie, we are here to make our report to the Society of Feline Gardeners. ~Socks & Scylla reporting for Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks
The Lantana The Plumeria, Ornamental Peppers and Firecracker Cuphea. Mommy grew the Ornamental Peppers from seed, we are astounded by how well they are doing and the Cuphea broke off from the one she planted at the Hummingbird Cottage so she rooted it....

- Thursday In The Garden
The Angel Trumpet is doing great this year. We likes it when it has a lot of blooms on it at one time. Our Bottlebush is such a lovely RED. The Stokes Aster. And our Million Bells, they are starting to look bad, but they were still pretty here. We are...

- Thankful Thursday In The Garden
The Shasta Daisy's are doing well. Mommy grew them from seeds. The Butterflyweed didn't come back in this bed so we made Mommy get us some more. It is already blooming. The roses are stunning, even the ones on the vicious rosebush that attacked...

- Thankful Thursday In The Garden
 The too much rain in July has lead to all sorts of problems in the garden, but we wanted to concentrate on the nice things. The yellow lantana is blooming, it is very cheerful,  and we likes the white lantana too.  The cactus is blooming....

- Thursday In The Garden
This planter is doing pawsome. We thinks it looks really pretty. We can't figure out why the planter on the right looks so puny in comparison. It has the exact same plants in the the exact same potting soil. Mommy switched their locations to see if...

