Thankful Thursday in the Garden

Thankful Thursday in the Garden

 The too much rain in July has lead to all sorts of problems in the garden, but we wanted to concentrate on the nice things. The yellow lantana is blooming, it is very cheerful,

 and we likes the white lantana too.

 The cactus is blooming.
 The Plumeria is about to bloom. Mommy brought it home from Oahu.

 The Veronica Speedwell is blooming.

 And so is the sky flower.

And everything looks pretty after Daddy cut the grass.

We are off to make our report to Jonesie and the Society of Feline Gardeners. ~Socks & Scylla, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

We heards a rumor it was World Cat Day, we begs to differ everyday is World Cat Day, that's right every 365 days of the year belong to us cats. 

- Thursday In The Garden
Apparently Plummerias like rain. Ours is actually blooming this year.  It makes Mommy smile to see it bloom. Sorry we don't have more gardening pictures, it has been too wet. This is our very short report for The Society of Feline Gardeners....

- Thursday In The Garden
These planters are really doing well. The Fountain Grass is blooming. The Lantana and Verbena are blooming too. The tobacco plant is blooming up a storm. In the Herb Bed the oregano, cilantro and dill are blooming The Hydrangeas are blooming. This one...

- Thursday In The Garden
The is a Vinca Vine Enredadera Vinca it is often called a Periwinkle Flower. That is what Mommy calls it. Mommy decided to do some special planters this year. This one has Purple Fountain Grass, White Lantana, Burgundy Superbena, a Tobacco Plant and Joseph's...

- Thursday In The Garden
 The Sky Flower, can you see the yellow berries on it?  The Sniffie Roses.  We don't know what kinda bug this is. We kinda like the fact he was BLUE.  The Yellow Mums and Foxgloves, we are suprised they are still blooming but they...

- Thursday In The Garden By Arty Mouse
 I am checking out the plants up close and personal.  The Lantana is blooming in January, it is very confused. It looks nice against my furs. I made sure the Mom saw it.  Remember when Daddy was digging in the yard. Well a lot of strange...

