Thursday in The Garden

Thursday in The Garden

Our Magnolia Tree is blooming.

Mommy got this plant for $1.00, the nursery had grown it from a seed and they only had baby seedlings last year when Mommy bought it. She had to wait a whole year to see it bloom, but we thinks it was worth the wait.  It is an Esperanza.

Now we are off to make our report to The Society of Feline Gardeners.

Hi Jonesie, Socks & Scylla reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

Happy 26th Anniversary Mom & Dad!!!!!!! ~Socks, Scylla, Fenris & Tuiren

- Thankful Thursday In The Garden
 The too much rain in July has lead to all sorts of problems in the garden, but we wanted to concentrate on the nice things. The yellow lantana is blooming, it is very cheerful,  and we likes the white lantana too.  The cactus is blooming....

- Thursday In The Garden
These planters are really doing well. The Fountain Grass is blooming. The Lantana and Verbena are blooming too. The tobacco plant is blooming up a storm. In the Herb Bed the oregano, cilantro and dill are blooming The Hydrangeas are blooming. This one...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Clematis, isn't it just gorgeous. This is the bed it is growing in. The roses and honeysuckle have a head start on it because they are evergreens and the Clematis is a perennial. This is the bed closest to the pond, Mommy had Daddy leave it open...

- Thursday In The Garden
MOL, I am going to pounce on Socks. I loves playing chase. I miss having Arty to play with. I do not miss her enough to play with Fenris however. Mommy says Fenris needs a playmate. The Clematis is blooming. So is the Goldflame Honeysuckle. Socks and...

- Thursday In The Garden
Our wildflower, we just loves it. A Canna Lily, isn't it a nice cheerful color. It was blooming in the greenhouse. We sent Fenris to look around the yard since it is really MUDDY here. He is happy to report that SPRING is on the way. Not only...

