Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

First we wants to remind you to email Tuiren your clown pictures by Feb 1st, to be included in the Clown Tent. We are so excited about the great line up of shows coming to town Feb 15th & 16th. This circus is going to be HUGE.

Now for our Gardening post.
We are so excited about this weeks gardening post.We actually has lots of stuffs to tell you.

The weather has been in the 70s here not like January at all so Mommy got some flowers to plant.

Mommy was totally wowed by this Pericallis and just had to bring it home.

She got the Buttercup out of the greenhouse to enjoy the nice weather.

Then she planted pansies in this flower bed.

We likes the blue and purple ones the best.

She put some in the hanging baskets too. This basket has different colors in it.

And this one is mostly yellow.

We also got her to plant some seeds. She planted purple pepper, Butterflyweed, Gerber Daisies, Devil Trumpets from seeds she collected. Now we will just have to wait and see if they come up.

Now off to Jonesie's we go to make our report to The Society of Feline Gardeners. We thinks they will be impressed.

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- Thursday In The Garden
The Crystal Palace Lobelia, Fuschia and an Ornamental Pepper. The pepper has really grown since we got it. This is a Strawberry Scented Geranium. It has not bloomed for us. This is hanging Rosemary. Our upright Rosemary does so well we thought we would...

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