Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The Cape Honeysuckle is doing great. The Hummingbirds and Butterflies just love it.

This planter is still looking nice.

Our Scented Geranium on the other hand isn't doing very well. It doesn't seem to like the heat. We moved it up on the porch where it will get as much shade as possible.

The Charybdis' Bed is simply gorgeous this year.

Now we are off to make our report to The Society of Feline Gardeners. Hi Jonesie & Grete, MEOW!!! ~Socks, Scylla & Fenris

- Thursday In The Garden
This planter is doing pawsome. We thinks it looks really pretty. We can't figure out why the planter on the right looks so puny in comparison. It has the exact same plants in the the exact same potting soil. Mommy switched their locations to see if...

- Thursday In The Garden
MOL, I am going to pounce on Socks. I loves playing chase. I miss having Arty to play with. I do not miss her enough to play with Fenris however. Mommy says Fenris needs a playmate. The Clematis is blooming. So is the Goldflame Honeysuckle. Socks and...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Bottlebush. The bees just love it. This coral honeysuckle is native to Mississippi and the Hummingbirds just love it. The Maypop. There are several Maypops and Honeysuckles blooming on the roof of the Hummingbird Cottage, it is just lovely. The Cape...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Some of the Zinnias are still looking good and some are coming up from seeds from the first crop.  The Blue Daze is dazzling.  The Butterflies are fluttering around.  The Candlebush is breathtaking. It gives our yard a nice tropical...

- Thursday In The Garden
 MEOW: I am making this weeks Society of Feline Gardeners  report. I take care of the garden by keeping the birds out of it. I am protecting the muscadines today. I also digs in the mulch to make sure the plants can get enough oxgen. That is...

