Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

 MEOW: I am making this weeks Society of Feline Gardeners  report. I take care of the garden by keeping the birds out of it. I am protecting the muscadines today.

I also digs in the mulch to make sure the plants can get enough oxgen. That is very important. Looks like we are going to have a good crop of muscadines this year. Pity no one here likes them.

Meow (Secret password) OK, I am here. Can't wait to see everyone's reports. Drop by Jonesie's for the links to everyone's post. ~Socks

- Thursday In The Garden
We are having bizarre weather. The frost killed the Candy Corn Cuphea, that is normal for this time of year. What is not normal is it is coming back out. It thinks it is Spring. Daddy has been making improvemnts to the greenhouse, which the Mom is really...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Cape Honeysuckle is doing great. The Hummingbirds and Butterflies just love it. This planter is still looking nice. Our Scented Geranium on the other hand isn't doing very well. It doesn't seem to like the heat. We moved it up on the porch...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Clematis, it is kinda weird the bottom part of the plant looks dead. Good thing Mommy noticed the top part was alive before she yanked it out of the ground. We are going to have to remember to remind her next spring when she starts in on the weeding....

- Thursday In The Garden
 Some of the Zinnias are still looking good and some are coming up from seeds from the first crop.  The Blue Daze is dazzling.  The Butterflies are fluttering around.  The Candlebush is breathtaking. It gives our yard a nice tropical...

- Thusday In The Garden
 Our Wishbone flowers came back from seeds.  The Buttercup reseeds itself too.  The Katie Ruellia is blooming up a storm.  The Asters are fixing to bloom. The Sniffie Roses are in full bloom. See the hanging baskets these are the...

