Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

 Daddy tore down the barn. Arty was kinda upset about it cause she liked to hang out in there, on the other hand Mommy was thrilled to see it go cause she was afraid it was going to fall down on top of Arty one day. Arty is OK with it now cause guess what Daddy is going to plant flowers there.

The rosemary is doing pawsome. Mommy cut the dead stuff out of the flowerbed one day when she was feeling OK and the weather was in the 70's.
 Our Roster Violet is blooming up a storm.

 Now to the green house. The Purple Heart is blooming.

And the Snowflake (aka Bacopa) and  Diamond Frost are blooming. You can't see the Diamond Frost very well, but the Snowflake looks lovely in the hanging basket.

Now we are off to make our gardening report to The Society of Feline Gardeners over at Jonesie's, please join us.


- Thursday In The Garden
One of the seed pods on the Devil's Trumpet finally burst open so we could gather the seeds, there are still 4 that we are waiting on. they are an attractive purple color. We had a heavy frost that killed most of our flowers, this makes us very sad...

- Thursday In The Garden
 The Carolina Jasmine is climbing the post nicely and looks so lovely blooming. We are very pleased with it.  The Honeysuckle is blooming and we are happy to report that the one Mommy whacked off by accident is coming back out and that most...

- Mancat Monday
 For a senior mancat I am extremely limber Mommy says, yeah whatever. Mommy also says I has to wake up and show you around the garden.. Are you ready. (Stretch)  This is one of Mommy's new hanging basket she got after the one Grandpa made...

- Thursday In The Garden
 The Camilla is still doing well and blooming.  Daddy has been hard at work rocking up the flowerbeds around the Hummingbird Cottage.  The roses are still doing OK.  Carolina Jasmine is blooming, we didn't expect it to bloom this...

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am enjoying the Butterfly Garden for as long as I can since  winter is on the way. We are hoping the Red Hibiscus will bloom before it dies. It has lots of buds on it. We wouldn't buy this plant again. It is very high maintenance and...

