Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

 This is a Foxglove Mommy keeps in the green house. A little violet is coming up in the same pot. Mommy will probably find a bed to plant it in this year.

 Daddy grew these tomatoes from seeds. He has already planted most of them in buckets. Some upside down and some right side up. He is conducting an experiment.

 Zinnias Mommy started from seed. She has already planted these and started a new batch of flowers from seeds. She had to wait to gets some pots freed up to plant all of them.

 The Redbud, part of the tree died last year we do not know why. 

 The Japanese Magnolia aka as a Tulip Tree.

 The Roster Violets, Mommy took the ones in the pot out and planted them in the Charybdis' bed and she weeded around the ones left in the wood planter.

 The Flowering Quince, it has already stopped blooming and has gotten it's leaves. We likes the flowers better then the leaves, we sure wish they lasted longer.

The bulbs are coming up in the bulb bed.

Now we are heading over to Jonesie's to see what is growing in her garden.

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks
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- Thursday In The Garden
The Forsythia is a mass of blooms. It is always one of the first plants to bloom and it says SPRING to us. We wishes it's blooms lasted longer. It is already getting leaves which means the blooms will be gone soon. We will enjoy it while we can. The...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Fenris was drafted to do this weeks gardening post.   He enjoys the geese family when Mommy takes him for a walk.  The Rooster Violet still blooming and growing, we just loves it as it brightened our winter.  The  Japanese...

- Sunday Sharing
These are the wildflowers Daddy is cultivating we made Mommy look their name up so we could share it with you. They are called Bird's Foot Violet, Pansy Violet, Hens & Roosters. We likes the Pansy Violet name the best and Mommy thinks they look...

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Maya and Kena -We dare you all to take part in helping prevent global warming (even by making tiny changes) by planting a seed of any species of plant, naming it, and watching it grow while posting the progress on your blog! We are kinda doing this backward...

