Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The herb bed. It has lots more stuff in it now. But when Mommy first started it, it just had the fennel which survived the winter and the cilantro she transplanted from the tomato bed. We jumped for joy when we saw the dill was also coming back from last year. It is barely poking it's head above ground so you can't see it in the picture.

Dad got Mommy a garden wagon so she can haul stuff around. Being a lazy sort of Mommy she figured out that Fenris could pull it for her.

Mommy put some Lobelia, Pink Phlox, Turnera ulmifolia (Buttercup) and tall blue flowers we can't remember the name of in a pot.

Isn't the phlox pretty?

Then she put it in the garden wagon and took it down to the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden.

And sat it on Charybdis' grave until Daddy can get the raised bed built.

The verbena still looking good.

Whiskers' Grave.

- Thursday In The Garden With Artemisia
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- Thursday In The Garden With Artemisia
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