Thursday in the Garden with Artemisia

Thursday in the Garden with Artemisia

Hi I thought I would show you the flowers today.

This cactus is blooming. I don't know the name of the cactus, but the flowers are very pretty.

Mommy planted it with the pink Kalanchoe and another cactus.

The other cactus hangs down, sorry I don't know it's name either.

A closeup of the pretty flower.

I wish the flowers had lasted longer. They only bloomed for ONE day.

I thinks all these flowers look pretty together.

Mommy's herb bed right after she transplanted the Cilantro. Daddy built the raised bed for her last year. He is making another raised bed like it in the Butterfly Garden.

Daddy thinks the Cilantro stinks.

The Redbud Tree. I am halfway to Daddy's shop when I reach it. I has to run real fast so boogers don't get me. There are some big birds like owls that could gobble me up.

I thinks I will go back in now and take a nap, would you like to join me.

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