Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

Since it is wet and muddy here we sent Fenris to check on the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden for us.

He thinks some rabbits have been visiting our garden.

He sat in the butterfly chair.

Look what happened to Mommy's teacup. We thinks the ice did it. Mommy had to pick all the glass up after she put Fenris up.

Now they are going to walk to the other side of the pond.

You can see the trees reflected in the pond. We thinks it looks kinda neat.

Look what happened!!!  because the beaver keeps stopping up the drainage pipe the pond overflows. We hopes it doesn't wash out the path. That has happened before and the Daddy had to haul dirt, bricks and stuff in to fill it back up. 

It looked pretty deep to us but Fenris said Mommy managed to get across without getting to wet.

Socks, Scylla & Artemisia ~ The Gardening Cats

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