Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

We are dedicating this post to our sweet Charybdis, who spent many happy hours in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden.

We are going to take advantage of the sunny weather to visit our butterfly garden.

Fenris asked if he could come too. Being polite cats we said yes.

The Mexican Petunias did well.

The Candle-bush, we thinks the Red Hibiscus in the background looks good with it.

Lantana, some of the leaves got frostbite.

Purple Heart


Pineapple Sage

We have been trying to root the Pineapple Sage but we aren't having any luck.

Jonesie, who blogs at Cory Cat Blog is dedicating her Gardening Post to Charybdis too.

- Thursday In The Garden ~ Thinking Of Charybdis
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- Memorial. ~ Photo Hunt
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