Thursday in the Garden with Artemisia

Thursday in the Garden with Artemisia

The Pinapple Sage and the Gladiolas are blooming in the front flower bed.

Closeup of the Gladiola.

Sometimes a good gardener needs to find a shady spot to relax. I thinks the Azaleas do nicely.

They also make a good place to hide and you can ambush your siblings when they walk by.

Did you know I was there?

This is a pretty wildflower growing in our yard.

And these are going to be Mommy's rose beds. She is going for a more cottage garden look, so we will be planting some other flowers in the rose garden too. And there will be trellises dripping with flowers and an Arbor (sigh) one day, and maybe even a swing. 

Visit Jonesie to see other gardens.

- Thursday In The Garden
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