Thursday in the Garden with Butterflies

Thursday in the Garden with Butterflies

The Bee Bed

Sniffie's Rose

 We has discovered that if Mommy keeps deadheading the Veronica it will keep blooming.

Blue Daze
 Blue is our favorite color but it is very rare to find really blue flowers. Blue Daze is really blue.


 The Butterflies just love our Zinnias.

 The Pineapple Sage in the Butterfly Garden is doing fantastic. The Pineapple Sage in the Bee Bed had to be cut down as it was dying. It is coming back though and maybe will get big enough to bloom before it gets too cold.

 The yellow Butterflies like the Pineapple Sage, some mornings when Mommy goes out there it is just covered in yellow Butterflies.

Mexican Petunias
We are most embarrassed Mommy left off the link to Jonesie's. She has lots of stuff to show you, so please come with us to see what the other Feline Gardeners have been up too.

- Thursday In The Garden
We have lots of flowers that bloom in fall and look simply stunning. The Cape Honeysuckle looks lovely all year. Our Goldenrod and Sweet William are blooming. The Pineapple Sage and Ironweed are blooming. The Black-eyed Susans really put on a show. ...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Fall brings an explosion of color to Mississippi Gardens. This Hummingbird is enjoying the Pineapple Sage.  Mommy was standing right by the Hummingbird when she took the picture. She said it was nice being able to take a shot from above the...

- Thursday In The Garden By Scylla
 I asked to do the gardening report today. Daddy has the greenhouse put back together and Mommy has the stuffs put back in here that stays in here for the winter.  The Blue Daze is still looking pawsome.  I thought I would show you how...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Admiring all the fall color in our garden. The Cuphea is pawsome. And isn't the Veronica pretty with it's blue spires.  The lizards also like to play in the flowerbeds. I keep a sharp eye out for them.  The zinnias smell good....

- Flowers On Friday By Scylla
Isn't this a pretty color blue? It is blue sage. This is oregano, you can use it to cook with. It is an herb. Mr. Dragonfly has been a frequent visitor at our house. We have lots of them this year. We haven't had as many butterfly visitors...

