Flowers on Friday by Scylla

Flowers on Friday by Scylla

Isn't this a pretty color blue? It is blue sage.

This is oregano, you can use it to cook with. It is an herb.

Mr. Dragonfly has been a frequent visitor at our house. We have lots of them this year. We haven't had as many butterfly visitors this year.

This is the Texas Star Hibiscus. The hummingbirds like to visit it.

Do any of you kitties know what plant this is with the pretty light blue bloom? Can you guess?
  • A - oregano
  • B- catmint
  • C - blue salvia

It is catmint, who knew it had pretty blue flowers if you didn't eat it or crush it to death. That is why butterflies like it.

Do you see the bee visiting this hibiscus.
This is our Lantana. It isn't doing very good this year, Mommy thinks that is why we don't have as many butterflies this year as we did last year. The poor Lantana had already started coming up when we had a late frost that put the hurty on it.

Here is a close up of our flowering maple. We think it is a very cheerful yellow.

- Thursday In The Garden
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