Thursday in the Garden with Scylla

Thursday in the Garden with Scylla

I finds the roof of the jungle gym a very good place to supervise the gardening from.

I really like this yellow bloom, even though it is growing where it doesn't belong.

This is the seed pod from the Devil's Trumpet.

Once it matures it will split open and the little white seeds will fall out. Then the Mommy will plant them.

When Daddy wore this home it made Mommy SMILE really big!

~Scylla, the gardening cat

- Thursday In The Garden
First we wants to remind you to email Tuiren your clown pictures by Feb 1st, to be included in the Clown Tent. We are so excited about the great line up of shows coming to town Feb 15th & 16th. This circus is going to be HUGE. Now for our Gardening...

- Thursday In The Garden With Arty & Socks
 The forsythia is so pretty it makes us smile every time we see it's cheerful yellow blooms.  Come on Socks we has lots of things to check out.  I sees some birds.  They are enjoying our garden too.  As you can see our grass...

- Thursday (not) In The Garden
Mommy has an ear infection so she REFUSED to go outside and take pictures for us. All she wants to do is sleep. We are not sure who is more worthless Mommy or Socks. They are both just laying around sleeping. Socks even has the TV remote close at hand...

- Tsarina Tuesday ~ Artemisia
Oh there you are (sigh of relief) I was worried no one was going to show up for Tsarina Tuesday. Mommy has been slacking so much we hardly ever get to visit and now she is being haphazard with our post. Anyway I gets to tell 10 things I like today. Being...

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla & Artemisia
Gardening cats have to get plenty of rest. We are getting a late start with our gardening duties as we are sleeping in. Artemisia: Scylla it is time to get up now our friends are here and they are ready to tour the garden. Scylla!!! Oh bother, I'll...

