Thursday in the Garden with Socks

Thursday in the Garden with Socks

Our Camellias are lovey, this is the hot pink one.

The Pineapple Sage was gorgeous just a few days ago, but we had a frost and it is all dead now. The Rosemary still looks pretty though.

The is the light pink Camilla, we has another one but it doesn't bloom until later it is a Winter/Spring bloomer and these two are Fall/Winter bloomers.

Some cute wildflowers Daddy grew from seeds, the frost got them too.

This white rose decided to bloom, the roses still look nice.

The Honeysuckle is blooming and still looks pretty.

The Mums are spectacular.

The frost got the candy corn so you will just have to enjoy this picture until next year.

Thank you for touring the garden with me. Now let's play inside where it is warm. ~Socks

PS: Don't forget to go by Jonesie's to see what all the other feline gardeners are up too.

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