Thursday in the Garden with Socks & Artemisia

Thursday in the Garden with Socks & Artemisia

Welcome to our garden. I agreed to help Artemisia with the gardening post today.

 Here she is posing for the camera.
 And here she is ready to pounce on me.
Some of you mentioned how nice and shady our Candlebushes are. They are indeed shady but they attract birds like nobodies business. Don't let Artemisia's good looks fool you she is an avid huntress. 
 The Encore Azalea, we planted 3 and this is the only one that is still alive. We won't plant them again although we did like how they bloomed all year.
Somebody thinks I can't see her behind the Lantana.
 (Sigh) Mommy getting creative with the flash thing again.
Since Jonesie let Oliver in the Society of Feline Gardeners  we decided we would let Fenris join. He thinks he is a cat anyway and he comes in handy for pulling that garden wagon Daddy got Mommy.

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla
 Oh Hi everybody are you ready for the garden tour today?  At the moment the Wildflower Garden is the show stopper.  Look at this Giant Sunflower. Even though it is in Daddy's wildflower bed Mommy is the one that planted the seeds....

- Thursday In The Garden
Mommy what is the white stuff in with the Red Hibiscus?  Artemisia Yes, Mommy it is me but what is the plants name? Artemisia Mommy I thinks we are having a problem communicating. I am asking you what the plant is called I know what I am called....

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am so glad you could join me in our garden.  Are you ready for the tour. Please pay attention and don't chase the butterflies, bees or lizards. Ahem, now we can begin.  We will start up at the house with the Azaleas for some reason...

- Scylla Sunday
Mommy had the throw folded up into a nice bed for me. Since I was sleeping on it, she went got the other throw (which looks much better on your bed Mommy) out of the living room to put on her bed. I of course promptly jumped up on it. See the red looks...

- Gardening Note
Yesterday I planted some mounding strawberries. I also got the pine-straw out from around the ones we planted last year, got the dead leaves off, and sprayed them with a fungicide. They already have strawberries on them. We should have fresh strawberries...

