Gardening Note

Gardening Note

Yesterday I planted some mounding strawberries. I also got the pine-straw out from around the ones we planted last year, got the dead leaves off, and sprayed them with a fungicide. They already have strawberries on them. We should have fresh strawberries to eat within the next few weeks.

Fenris did a pawsome job pulling the garden wagon down to the butterfly garden (down hill). I just had to remind him to slow down and keep him focused. He did want to go investigate smells.  I had thought he could spend some time in the garden with me but that didn't work out so well. When I kept him hooked up to the garden wagon he got tangled in the leash. When I unhooked him he decided that since I was sitting on the ground he was suppose to be IN MY LAP. He has informed that since he is a MUTT he can be a lap dog if he wants to be. After we compromised and he laid down by me things when smoothly for about 30 minutes until he decided to help me weed. Unfortunately he can't tell the weeds from the flowers so he got in trouble for pulling up a plant. After that he decided that helping in the garden was no fun and went to explore at which point he had to be returned to his yard.  He didn't seem to mind at all. As for pulling the wagon back to the house (uphill) Fenris seems to be pretty smart, he let me do all the pulling ................~Alasandra

- Wordy Wednesday Dean & Tyler No Pull Harness Complaint
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- Thursday In The Garden With Socks & Artemisia
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- Fenris' Flowers On Friday
I love sitting down at the butterfly garden. Lately it has been raining too much for us to visit. It is very muddy at our house and Mommy says if it ever stops raining she has a ton of weeding to do as the butterfly garden looks more like a jungle now....

- Garden Party
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- Minerva, Master-weeder
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